Angel Meditations

This is an album I had to make. It doesn’t sound like my other music; doesn’t sound like what I thought I was making, and yet I feel strongly that it has magic spun all the way through.

After four years away, my new album of magical angel music is here. From January 4th you should find it everywhere you look. It’s free to listen in places like Spotify, YouTube Music (I think!!!), and all the rest.

If you want to buy it, thank you. Apple Music is a good place to look. Amazon could work too. Where you live and how you listen makes the difference. In some places, streaming may be the only option.

There’s no physical CD and no vinyl. It would be fun, but it doesn’t fit right now.

What does this music sound like? It’s quite unusual, maybe even feels dark at times, but I hope it has grandeur and beauty. It’s not what I think of when I imagine the chimes and bells of New Age music. It might be surprising, and you’ll wonder why you’d want to meditate to this. The tracks are quite busy and seek your attention. But this works!

I didn’t ‘write’ this music. It was built up in layers over two years, listening to the angels, asking them for music that gets them to ease you into a magical and meditative state. If you want to!

You can put the music on in the background. You can put it on while you meditate, before or during your magic rituals, or at any other time.

What will it do? If you allow it, the magic of the music might make you more sensitive to intuitive thoughts and feelings. It can help you feel the workings of a ritual. It can bring clarity to your divination and contemplation.

Please like and subscribe to the music anywhere you can. I’d love for people to know what I’ve got to share.

You might enjoy the music itself but the purpose of these four tracks is to give your mind the time and space to connect with magic in the way that you choose.

There’s more about my music and how to use Angel Meditation in The Future of Magick, by The Gallery of Magick. It’s a free ebook if you join Damon’s Patreon by clicking this button:

Or you can buy the book from Amazon here:

With love,


music inspired by angels